Sunday, March 29, 2015



Fustani i bukure i dizajnuar nga Nerina Fashion,nje model shum i bukure. Mjaft komod.


Me ftuan ne nje pasarel te shkolles te behem si modele ne nje nga dizajnet e disa shoqeve te mia te shkolles te cilat vijojn mesim ne kete lemi. Natyrisht pranova me kenaqsi sepse te behem nje modele eshte endrra ime. Nuk ishin shum veshje te cilat mi percaktuan por ato qe me zgjodhen ishin te mira.

With a footbridge invited to school to become as models in one of the designs of some of my wife school which attend classes in this field. Of course I accepted with pleasure because to become a model is my dream. There were more my clothing which delineated but chose were the ones with the best.