Saturday, December 13, 2014


Friday, December 12, 2014


Thursday, December 11, 2014


Ne te dyja kemi veshure kete kapuc qe e ka dizajnuar Nisska,ishte ideja e saj qe te bente nje te tille. Dhe ne e veshem. Rrine shume bukure neve na pelqen po edhe te tjerve ju pelqen sepse vazhdimisht na pyesin se nga na ka ardhur.

We both have worn the hood that has designed Nisska was her idea to make one. And we clothed. Stay pretty much like us but also to others you like he constantly ask us by coming to us.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Naten e mire te dashur/Good night dear

Naten e mire te dashur,shpresoj se keni pasur nje dite te veshtire dhe erdhi koha qe te pushoni pak sepse ngarkesa e tepert edhe e bene te nevojshme gjumin. Per t'u relaksuar truri yne,per te qene me fresh neser,me me shume energji.
Ne patem nje dite te veshtire qendruam me familjaret tane te dashure,me disa femije te vogel te mrekulleshem qe kemi ne familje. Kemi disa engjuj ne familje te cilet na mbrojne shume. Kaluam me ta shume kohe,pi dhe hame dicka te pregaditur nga nena jone.
Po shkojme te mbushemi me energji shpresoj se edhe ju gjithashtu. Qendrimi gjate nates nuk eshte edhe aq i mire,sepse te gjithe e dime qe nata eshte per te fjetur. Prandaj ne e praktikojme kete gje me shume vullnet te pushojme te mbushemi me energji per diten e neserme.
Ky blogu jone,ju te dashure shikues,vizitore te rregullt jeni bere tashme pjese e jetes tone,sepse kete blogg tashme pe praktikojme sikur te jete ditari yne. 
Ju deshirojme nje nate te qete,faleminderit shum <3

Good night dear, hope you had a hard day and it came time to rest a little because of the excessive workload made it necessary even sleep. To relax our brains, in order to be fresh tomorrow, with more energy.
We had a difficult stayed with our dear family, with some of our wonderful little children you have at home. We have some family angels who protect us more. We spent more time with them, drink and we eat something prepared by our mother.
If we go and filled with energy hope you too. Staying overnight is not so good, because we all know that the night is for sleeping. Therefore we practice this with more willingness to cease to filled with energy for the next day.
This our blog, you, dear viewer, regular guests are already become part of our life, because this blogg already be seen practicing as our diary.
You wish a quiet night, many thanks <3



Back to party .

Ishim ne nje party dhe u veshem me elegante,nje fustan te zi me nje kombinim me tiger lekure te lesht.
Nje qante me lesh dhe me kombinim me lekuren e tigrit. Shalli me nje materiale te holle shum te bukure. Ishte nje kombinim i mire sepse mora komplimente mjafte ate nate. Me vone do t'ua tregojme edhe disa detaje.

We were at a party and was clothed with elegant, a black dress with a combination of leather tiger fur.

A crying with fur and skin of the tiger combination. The headscarf with a thin material very nice. It was a good combination because I received compliments very night. Later we will show them some detail.

Back to school

Nje dite ne shkolle e veshur keshtu,mora disa komplimente te mira se kisha kombinim te mire ne rroba. Ishte dite e ftohet por me gjithate ishte nje ngorhtesi me kete xhemper te gjate.

One day at school wearing so, I took some good compliments that I had a good combination in clothes. It was cool day but gjithate was a ngorhtesi with this long sweater.


Ne nje mengjese,me dite me diell ne Fshatin tone ishte nje pamje e bukure. Fotografuam disa caste te bukura sic pe shihni edhe ju.
Eshte nje pamje e jashtezakonshme. Dielli i cili te mbushe me energji.

In one morning, sunny day in our village was a beautiful sight. The photos some beautiful moments as spun see you.

It is an awesome sight. Sun which fill with energy.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Disa canta keto ne vendin e rrobave tona,jane shum te bukura dhe shkojne pothuajse me te gjitha rrobat keto canta jan me material te lekures,mendafsht,dhe liker. Jane shum te bukura kemi edhe disa lloje te cantave te medhaja ato do te t'jua tregojme me vone. Shum dashuri per juve.

Some of these bags we place our clothes are very beautiful and go almost all clothing material these bags are leather, silk, and liqueur. Are very beautiful and we also have some kinds of bags extravagant they will tell you later. Much love to you.

Ne i beme keto / We made these

Ne aty ne pune vendosem te bejme diqka per vete pasi qe punojme nonstop per te tjeret. Dhe vendosem ti beme keto masi jane ne mode,i dham nje dizajn vet. Eshte nje material shum i vjeter i gjyshes tone dhe neve na shkoi nder mend per ti bere komplet,jemi vonuar pak duke i bere keto por kryesorja ja dolem. Rezultatin vetem pe shifni tashme. Keto jane per veres,Diellza veq i ka vesh ne nje darsem. Morem shum komplimente nga te tjeret nga ideja jon dhe materiali pelqehej shum. Ne vec e pame qe materialet e vjetra tashme jane ne mod,normale me kombinim me materialin e tashme. Ne kemi deshire shum te bejme rroba vet ti bejme per vete me mire,por edhe blerja nuk mungon. Po shpresoj se po ju pelqejne.

We here at work decided to do something for themselves since we work nonstop for others. And we decided we did these masi you are fashionable, gave judgment an own design. It is a very old material of our grandmother and we went intends to make complete, are slightly delayed making these but foremost succeeded. Now see the result just spun. These are for the summer, has already Diellza wears a wedding has. Got many compliments from others the idea ion and material great appeal. We already saw that the old materials are now in the mod, normal to combination with current material. We have much desire to do his laundry to do better for themselves, but also the purchase is missing. I hope that if you like.

The five most beautiful days of my life!

Nxensit, e mirë do te shkonin per nje pushim 5 dit ne Bog të Pejes . Mua me zgjodhen.... isha shumë e lumtur qe po shkoja.. Kur shkova një shoqe e imja kishte marr një aparat që kujtimet te mos na humbin nga mendjet tona.. Unë njihja vetem disa nxënësë nga shkolla ime ndresa nxensit tjerë ose shoket e kampit ishin nga shum qytete te bukura te Kosoves. Ne aty benim shum aktivitete beme gara me biqikleta, luanim, u beme alpinista,naten ne qendronim deri von dhe disa na kenaqnin me muzik ata kendonin me gitarë,kishim momente shum te mira edhe tani unë flas me shoket qe njoftova ne këtë pushim ishte pushimi me i mir qe me ndodhi  kur unë isha e vogel.. .....Ne beme gara me biqikletë unë isha ajo nga vajzat qe zura vendin e par ishte shum emocionuese...
Më posht gjenden disa nga fotot ku nën foto kam shkruar qka ka ndodhur ato momente!

The students, of better it will go for a 5 day break in the Bog of Peja. Chose me .... I was very happy that I was going .. When I went to a friend of mine had taken a camera that memories of us not lose our minds .. I knew only a few students from my school....other students or friends of camp was by many beautiful Cities of Kosovo. In there we did very  activities ,we did racing with bike , we used to play, had become the climbers, we stayed until late at night and some sang music they sing with the guitar, we had very good moments now I talk to friends who have warned us this holiday was resting the better you with happened when I was little .. ..... we did racing with bike... I of the girls, I caught the first place was very exciting ...
Below are some photos where under the photo I wrote what happened to those moments!

 Kjo ishte tabela nga sponzoret qe e mundësuan zhvillimin  e kampit /His was the table from sponsors that enabled the development of camp!

 Kjo eshte ajo shtepia e vogel ku flemë gjatë natës/This is what the little house where sleep at night!
 Kjo është nje pamje nga larg kjo foto u be kur ishim duke u kthyer nga vendi ku mbushnim ujë/This is a view from far away this picture was made when we were getting back from the place fill  water!
 Kjo eshte foto kur arritëm tek drunjt qe kishim per ti marr per ta ndezur zjarrin dhe të ngrohemi sadopak/This is the picture when we reached the timber that had to be taken to fire and keep warm somehow!

 Ketu jan disa foto qe kemi bere gjat netëve kur kendonim,etj/Here are some photos that we made during nights when sing, etc.!

 Disa pamje fantastike te qytetit te pejes.. unë i dua keto pamje /Some fantastic views of Peja .. I love this picture!
 Fotoja e perbashket e te gjith nxënësve te kampit /The joint image of all students to camp!

 Duke kryer alpinizmin/By carrying mountaineering!
 Ne luanim me top, djemtë luanin me teper futboll ne vajzat si zakonisht luanim volejboll /We play with ball boys play more football in girls as usual we used to play volleyball!

 Një ditë erdhi nje femijë i vogël te na vizitoj natyrisht ai ishte me prindërit e tij dhe prindërit  e tij na dhan disa dhurata...Ishte femijë shumë i zgjuar, i lezetshem, ne u kënaqëm me të <3/One day a child came to us naturally he was visiting his parents and his parents gave us some gifts ... was kids too smart, cute, we had a great time with it <3..!
 Një foto e bukur e miqëve të mi nga peja, ishte fotoja e fundit qe po bonim se natyrisht pas pes dite u kthyem ne shtëpi/A beautiful picture of my friends from Peja was the last picture you are BONIM the course after five days we returned home!
Pas pershendetjes me miqët nga peja te hidheruar qe po ndahemi nga kjo shoqeri qe tashme u adaptuam mirpo edhe te gezuar sepse po ktheheshim ne shtepi, na kishte marrur malli per prindrit , motrat , vllezrit etj./After greeting with cronies from Peja bitter that are separate from this company that now was adaptuam Happy request but also because I got home, we had taken the goods for parents, sisters, the brothers etc.