Sunday, December 7, 2014

GoodNight dear / LOVE

Naten e mire te dashure miq.
Sot ishte e diel fundjava e merzitshme sepse ishte moti i merzitshem,mesuam pak per shkolle dhe tashme po behemi gati te pushojme per neser te jemi fresh. Por shpresoj se do te na shkoj java bukur me nota ne shkolle,sepse i kemi te ngaterruara sadopak. Tash po fillojn festat e fundvitit e vecanarisht Viti i Ri te cilin mezi e presim sepse kemi musafir nga Shkupi te cilet do te nderojne te festojme se bashku.
Do te mblidhemi shume persona dhe te ndajm diten e fundit te vitit 2014. Do te fillojm me vitin e ri qe shpresoj se edhe neve ketu ne Blog do te na ecen me mbare,me mire.
Pse jo te jet me i sukseshem,eshte normale nuk mund te presim te behemi menjeher te njohura por mjafton te dijn personat nga afer se qfare jemi duke bere,a po na kuptojn a thua?
Shpresoj se po edhe pse vendi yn Kosova nuk ka njohuri shum per Blog por shpresoj se do te na ndihmojn rreth kesaj qeshtje e do te rritet numri i Blog ne Kosove.
Naten e mire dhe gjum te qete faleminderit shum per shikimet <3
Luv <3

Good night dear friends.
Today was Sunday weekend weather boring because it was boring, we learned a bit about school and now are becoming ready to rest for tomorrow you are fresh. But I hope that will get us a nice week grades in school, because we have to somehow garbled. Now I begin the holidays especially the New Year which hardly wait because we have a guest from Skopje who will honor and celebrate together.
Will gather more people and share the last day of 2014 will begin with the new year you hope to us here on the blog will be moving with us throughout, the better.
Why not be the most successful jet, is normal can not expect to become instantly recognizable but enough to know people from near what kind are made, or whether understand us?
Hope is yn Kosovo even though the country has not much knowledge about blog but I hope that will help us about this issue and will increase the number of Blog in Kosovo.
Good night and sleep peacefully Thanks very much for the eyes <3

Luv <3

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