Sunday, November 30, 2014


Nje foto shum interesant ky personi duke ndjekur endrrat e tij.

Varet a dëshiron mund ta arrish!

Nje natë isha duke kërkuar nje CD të një filmi, papritmas pash një CD në të cilën po shkruante  ''Sekreti i Lumturis'' ky titull më mbushi mendjen ta shikoja... ishte storia me e bukur qe kam parë, bëhej fjal per gjërat qe deshiron t'i arrish, thoshte vetëm ngulite ne mendjen tënde per shembull ne dashuri mendo sikur je gjithmon me personin e zemres mendoje sikur e ke pranë.. mendo mendo pastaj graviteti re degjon dhe sigurisht do te realizohet ajo qe ke enderr, mirpo jo as leht sa ti mendon kjo forca e gravitetit ta bjer nje mundsi ndoshta mundsin me te mir ne jeten tende vetëm duhet ta provosh.... per njerzit dështak nuk preferohet kjo..
Nje njeri kishte pas deshir te fitonte 100.000 $ , kish marr nje foto nga 100.000 $ e kish vendosur ne dhomen e fjetjes qe qdo mengjes ta shihte sepse kur e sheh ne mengjes gjith diten mendon per të..  Graviteti kish sjell mundsin ai kishte mundsi ti shiste 40.000 kopje te nje libri te tij nga disa cent .. pas disa ditesh kish shperndar librin ne te gjitha librarit pas disa muajsh nuk i fitoi plotesisht 100.000 $ por aty dikun shum afer 98.000 $ kjo i mjaftonte atij. Pas kesaj qe pash mendova dhe bera ne disa foto endrrat e mija dhe vendosa ne dhomen e gjumit  njera nder to eshte e kam nje foto timen dhe aty shkruan ''VOGUE'' pasi shpresoj ta shoh veten ne at magazinë... disa nga keto endrra gati jan per tu realizuar.
Shpresoj qe edhe ju te arrini endrrat e juaja .

Depends on Do you want can come!

One night I was looking for a CD of a film, suddenly saw a CD in which was wrote '' The secret of happiness '' this title more convinced I saw ... was the story with beautiful that I have seen, it was about things who wants to come, saying only embed in your mind, for example, we consider if you love the person's heart always think if you close .. consider consider new listens and then gravity will certainly accomplished what you dream march, but not nor easy as you think it gravity to drop one opportunity perhaps the better opportunities in your life .... Just have to try. For people loser not preferred it......
One man had desires to win $ 100,000, had taken a photo of the $ 100,000 he had placed the bedroom that every morning to see because when you look in the morning all day thinking about it .. Gravity brings the opportunity he had had opportunity to sold 40,000 copies of his book from a few cents .. after a few days we had driven all book library, after months of not fully won $ 100,000 but there somewhere very near the $ 98,000 it suffice him. After that I saw I thought and made us some photos of my dreams and I decided we bedroom one of them is a picture I have mine and it writes' VOGUE '' because I hope to see myself in at magazine ... some of these dream about are to be realized.
I hope you to reach your dreams.
Thank you!

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